You think you have so many girls around you,
and you show it off.
You claim you care about your brothers.
But the fact is, your "girl" friends are whats on your mind. 24/7.
If you were to pick between brothers and sisters,
its pretty obvious whats the answer.
So what you have known them for years and yo are close to them.
do you have to tell the whole world?
You promise to take them to expensive places to eat.you call them to chat till midnight.
You confide to them when you're sad.
You'd do anything for them.
Ask yourself this.
have you done all this for your brothers.
If yes you can shut my ass up now.
You have girls, true,
but that's all, you, have. All.
You have girls, true,
but that's all, you, have. All.
Without them, you're nothing more than a pile of dust off an empty shelf.
You might think I'm jealous of your girls. go ahead.
I have my fair share of girls.
But i don't go wooing a girl, fail and go cry to my girl friends.
How pathetic, no?
Don't think you still have your brothers.
Cause like someone once said, with your attitude,
no one will give you respect.
but now I'm forced, to give it to you.
and this image depicts perfectly my respect for you.