I had night patrolling at the primary school whole of last night.
From 9.30pm till 7am.
Just reached home at 8am.
Knocked out till now.
Do you know how boring is it to stay at a spot to guard the door.
For 9 Hours.
So, me and Ryan "browsed" through some lockers.
And in a Primary 1 kid's journal book, we found this very interesting picture.
Well, its interesting because, because,
how should i put it.
The characters legs are being replaced.
By what, you have to use your imagination.
Fantasize a little=D
Have another round of patrolling again tonight.
This time we'll be prepared.
No PSP for 9 hours, can die.
Will post up if I see anything suspicious tonight=D
Oh Yes.
Happy 19th Birthday Ian(My Blood Bro)
Happy 15th Birthday YunYi(Some Girl who is pro at chinese)