De_mi_Lo-va_to!I just found a few new Demi Fans X)
& most of them agrees that Miley cyrus aka. Hannah Montana is a slut. :D
I mean, don't you think she is.
Demi? So humble. =)
Well, my Acer brokedown for the.. Fifth time since I bought it?
So I decided to get it fixed and sell it. Then buy a new Lappy.
I have my eyes on MacBook White, and its only $999 if you buy it online.
But my brother says I don't really need a Macbook, and I have to buy
the Office for Macbook which costs another $200 or so.
That makes like.. 1.2k? or 1.3k?
Alright price for a laptop right? Hmm..
I like the Macbook because of its features. If you Know how to work the PowerPoint, your presentation would look fantastic.
So any suggestions? Anyone?
I'm saving up for a new wallet too.
My current wallet is so kiddy. I feel embarrassed every time I tap my EZ-link! O.o.O.oO.o
Oh. I'm like hooked on Card tricks now.
I like the baffled look on my friends faces when I get them.
So satisfying. =)
I watched Case 39 with Lester few days ago at Cathay.
Scariest movie yet, prior to Uninvited.
It catches you off guard, like when you least expects it, something boomz out and scares or stuns you.
Its like the movie knows when you're not alert.
Freaking scary. You gotta watch it =D
Oh I was at Orchard Cathay on Saturday to see The Top 4 of Singapore Idol X)
Total waste of time.
Even a Dora the Explorer stage show has more audience than that.
All they did was talked, sang, and left. 45mins of my life wasted.
Don't know when I'll be posting again!
Demi is Hot! Miley is Not! =DD