Monday, November 2, 2009

SWEET! My lappy is working again.
Extended lessons have begun and I'm sinking into the holiday mood!
"If you're still in the holiday mood, get out of it now" Quote from Mdm Anonymous.
Today's lessons were so boring.
I knew half the things Mdm Sharifa was talking about and Geog was on and off.
Practically nobody paid attention to Mdm Foo during math, and Mr Kee lied about taking us to the Lab >=(
Chinese lesson laggi best. So many people used the excuse of some shit briefing to escape.
The class looked so pathetic with so little people, but Mr Neo continued teaching.
Some more his lesson topic was about some Love story poop.
Then Don't know how it got carried away to Sex. X)
This only proves 1 fact ~ No one is interested in extended lessons.
Then people was pestering him to "Early Dismiss" so he did.
Then went to Mac to find friends and Viola! The picture above.
Stayed there, got drenched in the stupid rain and I fell asleep in the bus=)
Came home, tried swtiching on my lappy, and it worked! Awesome.
Gonna catch up on some anime, in the meantime, here's a riddle...
"A Cowboy rides to town on Friday. He stays there for 3 days, and he leaves on Friday."
Question is, How did he do it? o.O
Will reveal the answer soon!
Thanks for reading!