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Think today's Guard of Honour's drill was not acceptable, in my point of view.
Many faults and errors occurred.
Partly by me, and others as well.
I would say we Did quite a good job, in general.
I can say that we put in our best efforts, with my head held high.
Went to Hougang to get a decent hair cut yesterday, just for today's occasion.
I quote:
"Your hair is not up to standard... "
That just pisses me off.
I swear that person who said that to me had a longer fringe than I do.
Everyone has a different Body.
Some with longer necks, others with shorter.
You cannot judge a persons hair by the collar. Thats ludicrous.
What if a boy with a taller neck kept long hair? And it didn't touch the collar?
And what if a boy with shorter neck had shorter hair, but it still touched the collar?
Who is going to receive the punishment?
According to the absurd 'standards' of my CCA, its gonna be me.
Theres no the justice in that.
If I didn't get my hair cut and its long, I accept the fate.
But no? The fact is I DID get my Hair cut, and my hair is indeed SHORT.
Thats the thing that irritates me.
If you asked me, I'd say as long as a boy's hair looks neat, tidy and presentable,
There is no need to measure the length. Much less the collar.
But who am I to speak up? If I do, Who is going to listen?
I'm sure all boys would agree to what I said.
I refuse to use vulgarities on my blog anymore.
I've grown and matured out of that.