Haro! Bryan Han here.
Last few days of camp was fun filled and awesome.
First day was about career and post O'level options, then next day was Fine Dining!
Where we dressed like gorgeous ladies and dashing gentlemen =)
But sad to say, the food looked neither gorgeous nor dashing.
Bread? Mushroom soup? Chicken chop? Strawberries?
Come on. How expensive is fungus and fruits? Let alone a tiny bun.
& a piece of Chicken chop smaller than both my palm combined?
How expensive are those? The school could bring us to kopitiam and we can have better food.
What for Marriott hotel.
But apart from the food, the fun we shared was unforgettable.
These relationship we built will follow us throughout our lives!
I hope we all treasure it =)
& these photos too, I swear I'll keep them for for my grandchildren's grandchildren.
Oh ya, If any of you guys add me on Fb, I'm most likely to ignore them as I don't touch Fb often...
So, ya.
If you wanna see photos I upload, I created have an alternate website just for them!
Just created it today, so I'm still quite new to it.
I find uploading photos there easier.
Remember to comment of the photos!